Come Enjoy The Holidays in the Village
of La Jolla!


The 68th Annual
La Jolla Christmas Parade
& Holiday Festival

The Holiday Festival is located on Wall Street (between Girard & the alley by the Athenaeum). The Christmas Parade kicks off at Kline & Girard.
Sunday, December 8th, 2024 The Holiday Festival opens @ 11:30 am and the Christmas Parade kickoffs @ 1:30 pm.
2024 La Jolla Christmas Parade & Holiday Festival
Sponsorship Opportunities & Benefits
Sponsors and Donors will be listed on the event website and recognized in prominent signage in the Holiday Festival and along the Parade Route. Legacy Banners will be intermingled with floats and other entries as they proceed down the Parade Route, and their names will be included in announcements from the five broadcast booths along the Parade route. Sponsors and Donors will be acknowledged in all Christmas Parade and Holiday Festival press releases and other media. This includes listing in the printed Parade Program displayed on our website.